UA-121315644-1 Your Perfect RV | elitervtravels
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How to Choose Your Perfect RV

It can start to feel pretty overwhelming when browsing for a new home, no matter how temporary. So, as a self-proclaimed “experienced person” I felt it was necessary to help make this process easier for you in any way that I could. With that said, there are two incredibly important factors that I recommend you consider when trying to choose an RV, whether to rent or to buy.


Factor One: The Size

A lot of mid-sized Class-C RVs come with a bedroom that slides out when the RV is docked.  The advantage of this is that the RV is smaller than another with a permanently extended bedroom in the back, offering a bigger footprint but the same capacity. The former design gives you, lovely drivers, better maneuverability, both on the road and when pulling into the campsite.


Another advantage to a mid-sized RV is that it opens up more campsite choices for you choose from. For most campgrounds, the larger the campsite size, the less options there are.


Take it from me! On just our last trip, I witnessed more than one RV struggling to maneuver into the perfect campsite, dejectedly giving up, and driving away to find another site. Although I have to admit, this worked in my favor because that site was amazing and lucky for me, my RV fit just perfectly.


Factor Two: The Layout

You know, us people really like to talk about things we know about. So, I’m going to continue talking about mid to large Class-C RVs with a dinette and a sofa, if that’s alright with you. Thanks! I knew you would understand.


There are two main floor plans you will typically find with these RVs. Want to hear what you’re being offered? Then let’s see what’s behind those doors!


Well, behind door number one is what I like to call “The Long Design”. Featuring both a dinette and a sofa, these seating arrangements are fit one behind another on the driver's side. But watch out! The dinette is far back, past the midpoint of the vehicle. And as anyone knows, the further back you sit, the more you get a visit from your old friend, car sickness.


And behind door number two is what I like to call “Family Friendly”. Once again featuring both a dinette and a sofa, these arrangements are made to be right next to each other. Often, the dinette is behind the driver seat and the sofa is behind the passenger seat. This floor plan is perfect for card games and conversations! But watch out! This design does require you all to be fairly close to one another. Hate social interaction? You can always hang out in the bathroom!


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